runscript addtalent X - Add talent or spell, where X represents a specific talent or spell (1-?).
runscript warrior - Become a Level 2 Warrior.
runscript rogue - Become a level 2 Rogue.
runscript wizard - Become a Level 2 Mage.
runscript zz_pre_demo2 - Teleport party to Ostagar.
runscript zz_pre_strategy - Teleport party to Duncan's fire in Ostagar.
runscript zz_talk_nearest - Talk to nearest NPC.
runscript zz_dropparty - Removes entire party.
runscript bowlingforferelden - Knocks back enemies and adds a shield.
runscript zz_addparty - Add player beyond party limit.
runscript zz_addapproval X Y - Add approval to a character.
runscript killallhostiles - Kill all enemies.
runscript selectparty - Party selection screen.
runscript zz_addparty NPCname - Add party member by name.
runscript pc_immortal - Infinite health (will not drop below 0).
runscript zz_money X - Adds copper in the amount of X (1000 = 1 Gold Piece).
runscript addxp X - Adds XP in the amount of X.
runscript appearance X - Adds a character appearance modifier X (see below for codes).
Note: The console is invisible so make sure you type the cheats correctly. When playing press the tilde key (~) to open the console, then enter the following cheats for the desired effect. You want to add these two lines at the very very end of the file: Open the Dragon Age Origins Preferences folder. Now go into Library and then Preferences. You can run this command through terminal to find the file you're looking for, OR: In your Finder you need to go into YOUR home profile. Tail -6 ~/Library/Preferences/Dragon\ Age\ Origins\ Preferences/config